Home page reports: understand your earnings

The reports in your TRICKPAY account are intended to give you close estimates of the current activity in your account. However, these earnings aren't finalized until when we make adjustments to your account following the delivery of the final statistics by various telecom operators and telecommunication services providers. Once earnings are verified, they are posted to the Home page of your account as "Finalized earnings", and that you can ask for outpayment.

On the Home page of your account, we show the following information:
  • Estimated earnings : close estimates of your recent TRICKPAY account activity. These are the accumulated earnings (from today, yesterday, this month so far, and last months) which are not yet validated.
  • Finalized earnings : they are the exact amounts of earnings that will be paid to you in return for the access codes used on your websites and Applications. This earning has become final following the application of the adjustments required after receipt of the statements of statistics by the different telecom operators and telecommunication services providers.
  • Current Payments : means the amount of requests for outpayment that you have made and which are being processed..

Please also note that, as stated in the Terms of Use of our micropayment solution by SMS Premium, TRICKPAY, we reserve the right to adjust earnings  in order to comply with final statistics provided by various telecom operators and telecommunication service providers. This implies that the Finalized earnings may be lower than Estimated earnings.

We reserve, also, the right to adjust the earnings of a User of our micropayment solution by SMS Premium, TRICKPAY in case of default of payment of a telecom operator or telecommunication service providers. Historically, however, the impact that this has had on users’ finalized earnings compared to his estimated earnings is low.